Monthly Archives: February 2023

Branch Conducts Workshop with WCU Women in Business

Engaging WCU Women in Anticipation of Equal Pay Day

Read a letter from WCU Women in Business.

The AAUW West Chester-Chester County branch sponsored a workshop on salary negotiation for the student group Women in Business at West Chester University.  The session started with a brief presentation setting the framework of the inequities that women face as well as how to find information about salaries in different industries and geographies.  The 75 student attendees then broke into small groups for more personal discussions with “seasoned” women.  Eleven volunteers, including AAUW members and colleagues worked with these small groups to discuss how to approach salary negotiation, with a special focus on entering into their first career position.  Some of the young women expressed strong interest in learning how to build and extend their networks, others were interested in more clearly understanding benefits and how they become part of their salary structure.  The feedback was very positive and both our Branch and the WCU Women in Business organization look forward to future sessions.