Great Decisions


The Branch Great Decisions Group meets  from 1-3 pm on the 4th Monday of each month at West Chester Diner to discuss topics from the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions Briefing Book. Click here for more information about the materials used by the group. Contact Beatriz Wee for more information.

The group has will cover these topics

5. Politics in Latin America
Electoral results in Latin America over the past four years have led many observers of the regional/political scene to discern a left-wing surge in the hemisphere, reminiscent of the so-called “Pink Tide” that swept the area some 20 years ago. But how much do these politicians actually have in common? What implication does their ascendency have for the region? By Jorge Castañeda
6. Global Famine
Fears of global food shortages have followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has disrupted grain shipments from the major grain producer. But what about countries and regions that were suffering before this impending shortage? How is famine defined, and how is it different from simple food shortages? What if any remedies are there? By Daniel Maxwell
8. Climate Migration
As climate change accelerates and drought and rising sea levels become more common, millions of people in affected regions must uproot themselves and seek safety elsewhere. Who are these affected individuals, and how might the United States aid them, and be affected by the migration? By Karen Jacobsen