With so many problems that we see in today’s society, we sometimes wonder if there is anything we can do to help. AAUW focuses on community outreach as one of the goals of our branch. Here are a few things you can do that will make a real difference!
— Eva Kaufmann
1, West Chester University Resource Pantry: We are supporting this organization which assists poor and homeless students at WCU. You can help by contributing supplies for the Pantry at our monthly meeting. In additional to the usual items, items needed this month include:
*Laundry detergent
*Deodorants, razors and shave cream
*OGX hair products
Watch for an email before the March meeting with an update on needed items.
2. We are setting up a tutoring service for students at the Resource Pantry. If you would be willing to tutor a student, contact Eva Kaufmann. (ekaufmann1@gmail.com). This commitment will be for at least twice a month on or near WCU campus. Study skills, paper writing, and similar topics are needed as well as specific subjects.
4. West Chester Food Cupboard: Donna Eaves is setting up a monthly program to help out at the Food Cupboard that is located on Bolmar Street. We will spend an hour after the Food Cupboard has closed its doors for the day to sort through donations and to stock shelves. Contact Donna to volunteer: deaves@live.com.
5. Laundromat Library League: LLL places library boxes of children’s books in laundromats as a way to get books into homes that may have few or none at all. Book donations are important, and LLL has frequent fund raisers. Special note: The Wellington Square Bookshop in Eagleview will use donations during Book Lovers Month to support the purchase of bilingual children’s books. For more information about LLL, visit www.laundromatlibraryleague.org.